社評 1110我們共構建「社區航母」

四十五年前, 我們攜帶簡單的行裝和一台大同電鍋, 首次來到人煙稀少之德州產油小鎮博蒙市, 走進徳州州立拉馬大學就讀硏究所。
今天我們非常自豪而驕傲地站在希爾頓大飯店的講台上, 和我們一起打拼的戰友們共同慶祝美南新聞傳媒集團屬下的國際貿易中心成立二十週年紀念, 我必須在此對我內人及家人表示由衷之感激。
過去二十年來 國際貿易中心曾經為十二萬多家中小商家舉辦了超過三百塲以上的大小講座活動,為德州走向世界搭建文化貿易之橋樑。
多少年來, 許多我們共同打拼的戰友和伙伴 ,你們多半已經是事業有成的社會精英及中堅份子 ,對這個偉大的國家和社會作出巨大之貢獻。
各位親愛的兄弟姐妹們, 讓我們大家攜手共進, 奉獻自己所能, 共建社區航母永往直前
We Are Building The Community Battleship
Forty-five years ago my wife and I came to Beaumont, Texas, and attended Lamar University.
Today we are so proud to be standing right here before many of our dear friends to celebrate the 20-year anniversary of the International Trade Center in Houston. I really want to first thank my wife Catherine, my family, my sisters and my brothers, for your strong support over the years.
In the past twenty years we have served more than 20,000 small businesses through two hundred international events. We have built a strong bridge of business between Texas and many countries from around the world.
Many of us came to this great land as immigrants to look for a better opportunity and a better life. Many years later, we all have become hard-working citizens and many of us are still building this great nation each and every day.
My dear sisters and brothers, we are here to build a community battleship together. We must unite together to fight for our political and social rights for our next generation’s future.