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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

社評 1126 熱烈歡迎陳筱玲德州州議員到訪休斯敦

社評 1126  熱烈歡迎陳筱玲德州州議員到訪休斯敦



今年再度當選為德州第112選區的州議員陳筱玲女士定於十二月十二日中午訪問休斯敦 ,並由華裔選舉協會在美南電視環球劇場舉辦座談會, 開啟和我們華亞裔選民之互動和溝通。我們在此表達熱烈之歡迎, 也希望提出些建議。

陳代表自2009 年迄今一直代表共和黨當選州代表, 同時擔任德州眾議院外交國際關係及経濟委員會主席之重要職位, 她在議會多年之奮鬥才能領導如此重要之委員會 ,真是為我們華亞裔掦眉吐氣而增光。

但是我們必須回到現實面 ,目前美中關係十分惡劣, 美國共和民主兩黨都竖起反中大旗 ,據稱共和黨籍之麥卡錫在就任眾議院議長後將訪問台北 ,此行可預見再度掀起台海之危機 ,這對於保衛台灣安全是否有利或是政治上之演出, 我們應該站在選民之立塲反應自己之看法, 尤其是在位上的民意代表們有義不容辭之大責任。

我們希望陳代表此行能聆聽華亞裔選民同胞之意見, 置此経濟不振 ,通膨物價, 尤其是美中關係帶來之惡劣大環境 ,希望陳代表能為我們登高一呼, 勇於建言才不辜負選民和捐助人之期望。

Welcome State Representative Angie Chen Button Visiting Houston

Asian American State Representative Angie Chen Button is a member of the Texas House of Representatives representing District 112. She assumed office in 2009. She ran for re-election and won the ekection on November 8, 2022.

Rep. Button earned her Masters Degree from the University of Texas in Dallas. She works as Marketing Manger for Texas Instruments and is a CPA.

Button was assigned to the position of Chairwoman of the International Relations & Economic Development Committee which is a very important position.

We would like to express our warm welcome Rep. Button and also hope to contribute some suggestions.

When we look at today's situation in our community we are facing inflation and an economic downturn soon. At present, the relationship between China and the United States is deteriorating. In the meantime, if the new speaker McCarthy insists on visiting Taipei, this trip could cause a crisis in the Taiwan Strait again.

We want our Representative Button to express our concerns to the Republican Party. We all need peace and not war.