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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评 1126 热烈欢迎陈筱玲德州州议员到访休斯敦

社评 1126  热烈欢迎陈筱玲德州州议员到访休斯敦



今年再度当选為德州第112选区的州议员陈筱玲女士定於十二月十二日中午访问休斯敦 ,并由华裔选举协会在美南电视环球剧场举办座谈会, 开啟和我们华亚裔选民之互动和沟通。我们在此表达热烈之欢迎, 也希望提出些建议。

陈代表自2009 年迄今一直代表共和党当选州代表, 同时担任德州眾议院外交国际关係及経济委员会主席之重要职位, 她在议会多年之奋斗才能领导如此重要之委员会 ,真是為我们华亚裔掦眉吐气而增光。

但是我们必须回到现实面 ,目前美中关係十分恶劣, 美国共和民主两党都竖起反中大旗 ,据称共和党籍之麦卡锡在就任眾议院议长后将访问台北 ,此行可预见再度掀起台海之危机 ,这对於保卫台湾安全是否有利或是政治上之演出, 我们应该站在选民之立塲反应自己之看法, 尤其是在位上的民意代表们有义不容辞之大责任。

我们希望陈代表此行能聆听华亚裔选民同胞之意见, 置此経济不振 ,通膨物价, 尤其是美中关係带来之恶劣大环境 ,希望陈代表能為我们登高一呼, 勇於建言才不辜负选民和捐助人之期望。

Welcome State Representative Angie Chen Button Visiting Houston

Asian American State Representative Angie Chen Button is a member of the Texas House of Representatives representing District 112. She assumed office in 2009. She ran for re-election and won the ekection on November 8, 2022.

Rep. Button earned her Masters Degree from the University of Texas in Dallas. She works as Marketing Manger for Texas Instruments and is a CPA.

Button was assigned to the position of Chairwoman of the International Relations & Economic Development Committee which is a very important position.

We would like to express our warm welcome Rep. Button and also hope to contribute some suggestions.

When we look at today's situation in our community we are facing inflation and an economic downturn soon. At present, the relationship between China and the United States is deteriorating. In the meantime, if the new speaker McCarthy insists on visiting Taipei, this trip could cause a crisis in the Taiwan Strait again.

We want our Representative Button to express our concerns to the Republican Party. We all need peace and not war.