我們為少數族裔團結在努力 請參加明天週六之群眾大會

我們為少數族裔團結在努力 請參加明天週六之群眾大會
週三上午我們和非裔 、拉丁裔 、亞裔及許多少數族裔人士共集一堂,為德州多族裔聯合陣線舉辦了一場國際記者招待會,來闡述我們為何成立聯盟之目的。
近年來,世界及美國之情勢發生巨大之變化,隨着中美關係之惡化演變為美國反華情勢之高漲 ,而且直接影響到亞裔被仇視之歪風 。我們在痛心之餘 ,在國會議員好友格林之幫助下 ,能夠和其他少數族裔之領袖組成了籌備委員會,決定成立常設組織,共同為許多不公不義之事件發聲。
今天美國之政治版圖已經發生極大之變化 ,拉丁裔人口比例不斷上升,及非裔人士基本上都成为大都會人口的主要比例之增漲 。在不久之未來,預計少數族裔將會成為多數族裔。
明天五月十三日中午一時(附圖),我們將有一場前所未有之群眾社區大會 ,我們需要大家之參與和支持 。這是一次歷史性的群眾大會 ,它代表我們的團結 ,代表我們對這片土地之關愛 ,大家決不可缺席。
We Are Working For A United Community Please Attend Tomorrow's Town Hall Meeting
On Wednesday morning we, African, Latino, Asian and many ethnic minorities, gathered together and held a press conference for the Texas Multicultural Advocacy Coalition.
In the meeting, we explained why we have formed this coalition and where we are heading with it.
In recent years, the situation of the world and our nation has changed with the deterioration of the Sino-US relationship. It has now predictably evolved into a deep, anti-China sentiment in the United States which has directly encouraged the hatred of all Asians.
Today, the political landscape also is changing. The population of the Latino community is constantly on the rise. The African-American communities around the country have basically elected many of the mayors of the major metropolitan cities in America. In the near future, the minorities will certainly become the majority. This trend has already begun and is growing stronger.
At noon tomorrow, May 13, we will have an unprecedented town hall meeting. We need everyone to come out and join us. This meeting will represent our unity and our love for our land. We must not be absent.