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新聞 / 今日要聞



      服務基層 民間疾苦




國際區會議上,我們達成多項決議,再撥款十萬元,主要是向本地區之商家采購嬰兒生活用品,贈送給居住在公寓之單親媽媽,並且購買一百二十台平板電腦,由學區老師分發給貧窮學生使用, 可以讓他們在網上上課。



Serve People For The People

Today we are holding the monthly International District meeting online through the visual internet because the coronavirus pandemic has caused most businesses to shut down in the last two months.

The International District was created more than twelve years ago. In this thirteen square mile area along with the Southwest District, we helped create hundreds of new businesses and most of them are new immigrants. These districts have become one of the most successful business models of the city and represents the international community’s culture and hard-working spirit.

In the meeting we decided to set aside tens of thousands of additional fund to help the many single moms and those students who need computers to get on the virtual computer classes offered by the Alief School District. We also are trying to help the many businesses that want to apply for federal grants.

All of us are suffering unprecedented economic distress. I told my colleagues we came to America looking for a new life. Most of us have experienced the hardships of being a refugee and war. We will hold our hands together to overcome and to rebuild America again.