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社評 0524 德州147法案胎死腹中

社評 0524  德州147法案胎死腹中


一年來,在德州州議會醖釀多時之第147號法案, 因排不上議程, 因而胎死腹中。 不過非議員吳元之表示, 我們不能高興太早, 因為許多議員仍然還未死心, 州長還可能加開臨時會再把法案排上議程。

從這個法案提出之始末, 是對我們華亞裔社區之嚴峻考驗 ,也是近年來對華亞裔社區影響最大的法案。

自從德州第147號法案提出來之後, 在現任眾議員吳元之之領導下, 動員了華亞裔之力量 ,並走向街頭及舉行各種大型集會, 強烈表達了我們的不滿, 並且得到非裔及拉丁裔及許多主流人士之大力表態和力挺, 這是影響法案之重要因素。

我們欣見德州法案胎死腹中, 但是佛羅里達州確已通過並由州長簽署立法, 成為少數中國公民不能購買土地之州, 更顯示許多州將會繼續起而效尤 。

在諸多社區領袖之主導下, 德州多族裔聯盟已經正式成軍, 這𠆤平台必須喚起華亞裔之共同参與和支持, 我們真要「武裝」起來, 面對未來之挑戰。

Texas 147 Bill Is Dead 

Texas Bill 147 which has been brewing for a long time in the Texas State Legislative for over a year is stillborn because it cannot be put on the agenda. State Representative Gene Wu said that we can’t be happy too early because many legislators and the governor might call a special meeting to put the bill back on the agenda again. 

This bill is a severe test for our Chinese-Asian community and it is also the bill that could have the greatest impact on all of us.

Since the introduction of Texas Bill 147, with the leadership of State Representative Gene Wu and many leaders, the bill has mobilized the strength of the Chinese Asian community. We have gone on the streets and held large-scale rallies and have strongly expressed our dissatisfaction while also getting the strong support from the African-American and Latino communities. 

We are very glad that Texas Bill 147 is stillborn for the moment, but the State of Florida has indeed passed a similar bill and the governor has signed it into law so that Chinese citizens can’t buy land in that state. This indicates that many states will follow and continue to pass similar bills. 

Under the leadership of many community leaders, the Texas Multicultural Advocacy Coalition has officially been formed. This platform must arouse the joint participation and support across our community so that we can face the many challenges in the future.