社評0623 建立強大多元之政治媒體平台

知名佈道家、社會運動領袖、 赫里斯郡體育委員會主席狄生牧師即將在美南新聞環球電視中心推出每週《社區名人訪談》節目, 將開創全美首創熔合各種族探討和支持社區各項議題之討論。
經由我們和狄生牧師之共同協議, 此項電視談話節目主持人由狄生擔任 ,並由美南電視主播王潔共同制作。 內容將涵蓋政治 、文化 、經濟、 選舉 、 社區問題, 並將由狄生牧師教會電台、 美南電視台、 越南電視台、 巴基斯坦電視台及社群媒體全面播出。
根椐我們共同達成之協議架設節目网站,這個每週現場直播之電視節目, 將延伸為多種產品, 其中包括出版一份平面媒體週報, 定名為『美國社區新聞 』, 並將每年出版「名人錄」全面收集接受訪談名人之談話內容 。
我們感到十分之振𡚒, 能在國家及世界局勢紛亂不斷的今天, 聯合主流、 非裔、 拉丁裔、華亞裔建立一個強大多元之媒體平台, 為社會之不公不義, 為社區及國家之未來發聲。
美南新聞創刊迄今, 不斷努力實現對社會之責任, 也不斷尋求種族和諧 ,這是我們闊步走進社區之步伐, 我們大家都體會到在這塊土地上, 我們應以熱愛之心情来實現落葉歸根之理念。
A Diversified Political Media TV Show Is Coming
Bishop James Dixon, a national and well-known religious and community leader and Chairman of the Harris County Sports and Convention Corporation at NRG Park is about to launch a weekly TV talk show at STV Global Theater. This will create the first multi-culture and political show for all ethnic groups, including Asian American, African American and Latino communities.
Through the agreement between Bishop Dixon and Southern News Group, Bishop Dixon will host and produce the show along with co-producer STV anchor Jesse Wang. The content of the show will cover politics, culture, the economy and community issues. The show will be broadcast by our station and also Vietnamese and other Asian media outlets.
The weekly show will be set up through a website and will also publish a weekly print newspaper and produce a yearly Who’ Who Yearbook.
We feel very excited to be able to unite all the ethnic communities and to build a media platform that will speak to all the injustices of society to build a better future for our nation.
Since the day we first published the Southern News Group newspaper, we have been constantly striving for and seeking racial harmony in our community. This TV show will turn our long-time wish into reality.