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社評 0726 華盛頓我們回來了

社評 0726  華盛頓我們回來了


九0年代的冬天,首都華盛頓正在下一場大雪, 我和弟弟著華在中國城附近發送當天出版的華盛頓新聞週報 ,在很深的雪地上, 有些寸步難行, 我和著華相視而笑, 這對我們是場人生的大拼搏, 而且也是我們在這塊土地上唯-求生存之道路。 在華埠街頭正好碰上了中央社駐華府特派員胡宗駒學長, 他問我們到華府有貴幹, 我們順手送上一份當天的華盛頓新聞 ,他看了後就明白了。 

多少年來, 我們在華府之媒體在妹妹靜芳及夫婿之努力之下, 能不斷繼續成長為社區服務 。他們的堅強毅力是主要因素, 美南新聞迄今在海外屹立不搖 ,也為華人媒體寫下一段永恆之篇章。

華府行, 我們邀聚了十五位好友同行並在國際貿易中心之旗幟下, 我們決定在此紥根 ,希望在這座世界政治中心展露頭角, 除了參加董繼璘會長主辦之年度晚宴外, 並將參加前交通部長趙小蘭之新書發表會。 添為出版發行人, 我們能為她記銾輝煌的人生阅歴, 確是我畢生之榮幸。

華盛頓這個我陌生又熟悉的城市, 支撑多世界政治之中心 ,我們回來了。

Washington D.C., We Are Back Again 

In the winter of the 1990’s it was snowing very heavy in Washington, D.C. My brother Dan and I were delivering our newly published weekly newspaper, the Washington Chinese News to Chinatown. It was very difficult to walk in the snow. I looked at my brother and said to him, “We must finish our job.” We  looked at each other and we felt we didn’t have any other way out--just to continue our struggle to be successful. When we walked to the end of the street during our recent visit, we met one of our friends from Houston, Mr. Hu Ju-Che, who is a correspondent for the Central News Agency in the Washington DC bureau. He asked us what we are doing in the capitol. We handed him a copy of our newspaper. Now he understands why we are here in Chinatown. 

Over the years, with my sister Jing and brother-in-law’s continuing efforts and hard work, we are able to grow and serve our community very well. 

Today I led members of a delegation from the International Trade Center from Houston, Texas, to establish a new branch in Washington, DC and joined the Gala sponsored by the International Leadership Foundation.

We will also participate in the new book signing by former Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao. The book was published by Southern News Group. I, as the publisher of her book, must say that it is indeed my life-long honor that we can share and remember her brilliant life experience. 

Washington DC, the city that I am strangely familiar with, is the center of world politics and we are now back.