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美國新冠疫情日記5/14/2020 救急不救窮

美國新冠疫情日記5/14/2020  救急不救窮




現在已經有叁千多萬人失去工作,失業率已逼近百分之二十,向政府申請救濟金的國民每天在大排長龍,許多中産階級家庭都面臨無法繳納房貸及房租之窘境,全國各地排隊領取的人不斷增加,強大富有的美利堅何以淪此困境 ?

今天我們的處境還是要回到聯邦中央政府和地方州政府之協調合作問題,由于政黨政治之嚴重分歧,在執政之州政府中,共和及民主兩黨之州長在施政上各有主張,共和黨主張小政府私人企業來主導經濟, 民主黨希望大政府多照顧弱勢族群,從此次新冠病毒疫情看來,受害者多半是貧窮階層。


Help The Starving But Not The Poor

The Democrats proposed $3 trillion corona relief bill will go to Congress for a vote today. This funding will go to state and local governments and add additional direct stimulus payments for Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Democrats have proposed various bills that would see qualified U.S. citizens receive $2,000 a month, while rent and mortgage payments would be cancelled during the coronavirus crisis.

This package is the largest amount for relief for citizens in U.S. history. Today, more than thirty thousand people are out of work with an unemployment rate that has almost hit twenty percent. We have seen the long lines at local unemployment offices and food banks across the country. Many families can’t even make their rent payments. Why are we, as the richest country in the world, faced with such staggering difficulty?

Our basic issue will have to go back to federal and local government. At the state level, Democrat and Republican governors have very different ways to run the government. Most Republicans want more private enterprise with less government regulation. But Democrats want to help more people get government benefits, like Medicare and Social Security.

This country has been leading the world in the last century. But now, the capitalist economic system needs to be modified to keep our economy going.

We can help the starving, but not the poor.