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社評 0815 天災又人禍

社評 0815    天災又人禍


一場大火將夏威夷島之渡假天堂變成了人間地獄, 數十名強盜週日下午在洛杉磯到高級百貨公司拿看手袋把近三十萬元之各種貨品搶刼一空, 這種天災和人禍令人痛心髮指。

自從二0一九年底疫情之後, 我們的社會發生了激烈之變化。 除了對經濟造成巨大傷害之外 ,道德也繼续沉淪。 尤其是遊手好閒之遊民也相對增加, 這些人已經把舊金山、 洛杉磯紐約等大城市搞得亂相叢生。 

我們今天要慎重呼籲各大城市之市長及治安單位,要拿出堅決之手段對這些犯罪份子開戰 。將這些兇嫌給予制裁, 決不容許公開搶刼無視治安人員,大搖大擺在奪走商店物品。

素有天堂之稱的夏威夷𡷊, 如今在強風及烈火下已經有百人喪生, 還有許多失落之居民 ,島上二千多楝房物被焚令人心痛和悲傷。

唉, 上天是如何對待這些苦難災民, 法律又要如何制裁搶徒, 世間事真難料 。

Natural Disasters And Man-Made Are Both Disasters

A fire turned the vacation paradise of the Island of Hawaii into a hell on earth. Dozens of robbers went to stores in Los Angeles to grab all the handbags and jewelry they could worth nearly $300,000 dollars. These kinds of man-made disasters also are heartbreaking. 

Since the pandemic that started around 2019, our society has undergone a drastic change. In addition to causing great damage to the economy, morality has also continued to sink while large numbers of homeless people have messed up many big cities. 

Today, we are here to appeal to all the mayors and public safety police forces to take resolute measures to fight against these criminals.

Hawaii, always known as "heaven on earth," is now where more than one hundred people have been killed by a natural disaster. Under a relentless attack by fires and winds with the combined strength of a tornado, more than 2,000 houses on the island have been burned to the ground which is very heartbreaking and very sad. 

We just want to say that the world we live in today is really unpredictable.