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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

社評 0906 休斯敦金山酒家羅氏家族之傳奇

社評 0906  休斯敦金山酒家羅氏家族之傳奇


週末在位於國際區之金山酒家和友人共進布斐午餐, 百種以上各式中越菜餙布滿台上, 海鮮燒烤、壽司、 麵食、 烤肉應有盡有, 尤其是越式麵食、 甜點令人唾言三呎,整個餐廳更是人頭躦動, 生意鼎盛。

在我們餐桌上赫然出現一瓶紅色辣醬, 細看之下是由金山酒家羅太太所製作, 而且味道鮮美, 我頓時對他們肅然起敬。

早在七十年代, 華裔越人羅氏家族攜家代眷經過千辛萬苦終於來到美國, 由於羅太早在年輕時已經有經營飯店之經驗, 來到休斯敦後就從一家越南小店做起,在八十年代老華埠開始了一家較大之越南飯店。 近四十年來 ,繼續在全市各地及路易士安那州賭場有如遍地開花一般, 先後開了十多家餐厅, 而且皆是生意興隆, 財源滾滾。

美國華裔在各行各業所創造之成就, 大多之經過艱辛奮鬥, 羅氏家族可說是其中之表率。

休斯敦國際區有近千家商店, 多半是由來自不同國家之移民所經營, 每當我們看到百利大道上之車水馬龍, 我們都深感欣幸, 我們為這塊土地貢獻了力量。

The Legend Of The Loh Family 

Last weekend we had lunch with friends at the Kim Son Restaurant in the International District. There are more than 100 kinds of Chinese and Vietnamese dishes on the buffet.There is seafood, barbecue, sushi, pasta and especially Vietnamese pasta. 

While eating our lunch, a bottle of red hot sauce suddenly appeared on our table. It was made by Mrs. Loh’s Kim Son Restaurant brand and it tasted delicious.

The Loh family came to Houston in the early 1970's as refugees. Mrs. Loh started a small restaurant which later became a big one in Houston's 'Old Chinatown.' The Kim Son restaurants have continued to expand to all parts of the city, including a location now in the state of Louisiana in a large casino. 

Most of the refugees who came to this country have been a success through hard work. There are many very successful businesses in our International District. We are especially proud of the Loh family.