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社評0909 環球第一銀行喜慶之日子

社評0909 環球第一銀行喜慶之日子


經歴近五年之艰難奮鬥, 已經開業半年之環球第一銀行今天正式亮相 ,並舉辦盛大之剪綵儀式及設宴招待各界人士,  這是休斯敦社區的頭等大事。

回想多年來, 我們早有成立新銀行之念頭, 相初結合了數位志同道合之合夥人, 以為是可能按步就班等取得銀行執照 。但是情形確令人失望, 我們走訪華府, 希望找到答案, 最後還是铩羽而歸。

多少次都有放棄之念頭, 我始終告訴同仁們, 我們決不能放棄, 最終還是上天之眷戀, 我們終於峯廻路轉, 在諸多友人之恊助下, 在併購了教堂山銀行並在控股公司之架構下成立了環球第一銀行。

我們非常有信心將這家銀行經營為國際社區之服務金融機構, 在發起人中, 我們有華裔、韓裔、 印度裔、巴基斯坦裔、尼伯爾裔及主流社區, 我們將分別在自己的社區中努力, 這股綜合之力量是可期待的。

銀行之成功証明了有志者事竟成之名言, 我們企盼這家銀行在未來長期在全美各主要城市紥根發展,為我們在美國之下一代鋪下更紮實之經濟基礎和發展。

The Festive Day Of Global One Bank

After five years of hardships and struggle, Global One Bank, which now has been in operation for the last six months, officially opened today and held a Grand Opening ribbon cutting ceremony and a banquet to entertain people from all walks of life. 

Looking back on the years, we had the idea of establishing a new bank for a long time. Many times we tried to give up, but finally turned it all around, and with the help of many friends we were successful and received approval to open the Global One Bank. 

We are very confident that this bank belongs to our community, especially for the people who are immigrants from all over the world. 

The success of the bank proves the famous saying, "Where there is a will, there is a way." We hope this bank can lay out the way of a solid economic foundation for our      community for many generations to come.