社評1005 華府政局混亂

國會議長麥卡錫因為支持政府繼續開放而得罪了保守派共和黨同僚, 被黜免丟官。這是美國政治史上令人悲哀的一頁, 這說明了華府政局之動蘯正朝向令人擔憂之未來。
最近兩天前總統川普出席了紐約市法庭對他家族川普帝國謊報資產向銀行借貸之指控, 川普並向記者們大罵檢查長和法官都是民主黨操縱而來對付他競選下屆總統。
聯邦政府暫時開放四十五天後。 是否會再面臨關閉還是未定之天 ,美墨邊境之非法移民正在不斷湧入, 紐約華府已經人滿為患, 市長抱怨他們的財政已經崩潰。
我們的拜登總統打破傳統,首次以總統身分參加了汽車公會會員之罷工行列,為工人向資方挑戰。 拜登之子罕特也正在官司纒身,也許會影響到拜登未來總統連任之路。
美國今天面對諸多內外動盪 ,令人更加擔憂的是,明年何人為下屆總統來領導國家。 老實說, 我們看不到年輕之政治領袖, 未來國家之前途也充滿挑戰。
DC Politics Have Become Very Chaotic
House Speaker McCarthy offended his conservative Republican colleagues for supporting the continued opening of the government. This is a very sad page in American political history. This shows that the movement of Washington government is moving towards a disturbing and worrisome future.
Recently, former President Trump attended a hearing a New York District Court where it has been charged that his family’s business falsely reported assets when borrowing from banks. Trump openly attacked the prosecutor and judge in the case saying that they were being manipulated by the Democratic Party to prevent his running for president in the 2024 election.
Congress has voted to extend the opening of the government for forty-five more days. Whether it will face another shutdown is an unanswered question for now.
President Biden broke tradition and joined the United Auto strike. This is an open challenge to the auto companies. Biden's son Hunter is still in trouble which might affect his father’s reelection bid.
Today the United States is facing challenging issues of internal and external turmoil. What we need now is new and younger leadership to lead our nation.