社評1009 我們共同慶祝幾內亞國慶

數百位來自德州各地的西非幾內亞居民上週六聚集在休斯敦近郊之公園內, 大家載歌載舞,享用幾內亞家鄉之美食, 共同慶祝這個年青國家之誕生。
我在大會上代表幾內亞總領事館表示衷心之祝福 ,同時希望大家為家鄉貢獻力量, 其中包括籌備贈送医療物質及促進兩國之網路教學, 我們更將在近期內組成投資考察團前往幾內亞,希望幫助幾內亞之投資和經貿觀光文化之发展, 我並且勉勵在塲的許多青年們必須有創業之理想, 他們多半受過高等教育任職於各大知名公司。
會長哈生是位天生之領袖人物, 他不但組織力強, 而且能說善道 ,各種表情和舞姿吸引了同鄉們共聚一堂。
接任名譽總領事一職匆已近三年, 由於早些之疫情延誤了前往幾內亞訪問之時間, 上月到了華府和新任大使洽商後決定盡快組團前往訪問 。
二十多年來。 我們透過國際貿易中心之創立舉辦了許多大小會議 ,並多次組團到中國大陸、 台北、 新加坡、 馬來西亞訪問, 為德州和世界之交流做了些貢獻 ,我們盼望早日前往西非這個物產豐富而充滿自然景觀的國家一睹風采。
We Celebrated Guinea’s National Day Together
Hundreds of Guinean residents from all over Texas gathered in the park last Saturday. Everyone sang and danced and enjoyed the food of Guinea’s homeland to celebrate the rights of this young nation.
On behalf of the Consulate of the Republic of Guinea at Houston, I expressed my heartfelt wishes and hope that everyone will contribute our own country. We are also planning to organize an investment trade mission to Guinea to study how to invest in the education, tourism and infrastructure sectors of Guinea.
Over the last twenty-one years, the International Trade Center has sponsored many trade missions and visited China, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia and has held many seminars on investments in Africa. Of course, Guinea will be on our agenda.
When I met many young men at the party, I told them they need to be in their own business. Not many countries in the world are like America that gives us the opportunity to be entrepreneurs. So they need to work hard and one day they will be very successful.
I am so honored to be the Honorary Consul for Guinea in this region. I will do my best to promote a positive relationship between the two great countries of Guinea and the United States.