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美國新冠疫情日記5/22/2020 Sadness Of Memorial Day

美國新冠疫情日記5/22/2020  Sadness Of Memorial Day

Sadness Of Memorial Day

As we commemorate our soldiers who have lost their lives on the upcoming national Memorial Day, we are still battling another enemy, the invisible coronavirus pandemic war.

When President Trump visited the Ford Motor Company plant in Michigan yesterday, he didn’t wear a mask at the plant. Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said the President is incredibly disrespectful to the citizens of Michigan and we no longer welcome him to come to our state. She said that we hope that we will have a new president soon enough who does respect people more than this president does.

The presidential election is starting across the nation today. According to the newest poll, President Trump is behind Joe Biden. Both parties are struggling to gain votes in key states such as Michigan and Ohio. Because of political reasons, the candidates will use every possible way to win.

We are so disappointed in our country where men and women are still suffering the devastation of the pandemic and fighting every day for their lives. We need real leaders to lead the country out of the woods of despair.



川普總統昨天在參觀密西根州福特廠時在公開場合只有他自己未戴口罩該州撿察總長尼沙公開表示,由于總統不尊重密西根之法律及人民他已被列爲不受歡迎的人物她說依照州法規定所有州民在室內必須戴口罩。” 她也准備向福特公司查詢爲何總統在汽車工廠內未戴口罩,根據福特公司之答複,他們曾經要求白宮在廠內必須罩上安全帽及口罩但白宮有自己一套安全防護措施尼沙還說我們真是感到恥辱,有這麽一位美國總統。”

當總統選舉之戰火已經開始民主和共和兩黨在今年十一月之大選有著巨大之變數本來以爲勝券在握的川普總統遇到了近代史上最大的病疫挑戰民主黨候選人拜登之全國民調已經領先川普, 如果就在今天投票他定敗選無疑。
