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美國新冠疫情日記05/26/2020 Music And Sorrow

美國新冠疫情日記05/26/2020 Music And Sorrow

Music And Sorrow

According to a recent medical survey, more than one-third of the population in America suffers from melancholia, an emotional illness with symptoms of depression. Just in the last couple of months, prescriptions for anxiety and depression have increased more than thirty percent. This is one of the biggest problems facing American families today.

The total number of deaths from the coronavirus in America is now close to 100,000. According to a recent survey, the highest death rates are on an Indian reservation near the state of Arizona because most of the people who live there have no running water or electricity.  What a shame for this to be happening in the richest country in the world!

Today, the New York Stock Exchange opened their door. Again, all the nations of the world have also partially opened for business. But when we saw the crowded beaches and bars over the holiday, we were very worried about how are we really going to control the pandemic? President Trump said no matter if we have a vaccine or not, the Nation will open for business.

We are so happy to see the music capital of Nashville, Tennessee, opening back up. Their music is ringing loud again. So many happy audiences and musicians playing guitars and singing beautiful songs. And our queen of country music, Dolly Parton and super star Jennifer Lopez singing their beautiful songs to comfort our sorrows and sad hearts. We really also appreciate so many Chinese and Asian artists and musicians performing on our TV shows.

We really believe music is the medicine to cure our anxiety.





川普總統說,不管我們有沒有疫苗,國家一定要開放 ,在疫情和經濟如何兼顧是最大的難題。

昨晚欣見音樂之城田納西州首府那什維爾的音樂餐廳重新營業,由于政府之規定,雖然只有半數的顧客,但是台上的吉他手和歌星們唱出了大家多月郁悶的心聲,美國郷村音樂皇後帕頓及天王巨星洛佩斯每天都在各大媒體上傳送她們的愛心及歌聲,我們更感謝許多華亞裔的歌唱藝術家在此一艱困時刻,把歌聲送進千家萬戶 ,音樂是治療憂鬱之良藥。