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每日社評 0613 向美國眾議員希拉稹克遜李致敬

每日社評 0613 向美國眾議員希拉稹克遜李致敬



今午收到狄克生牧師之邮電: “我要表達你在對國會議員希拉積克遜李之祈禱和讃美大會之支持和演說表示最深切之謝忱。我們的城市渴望建立一個不分族群宗教之和平平台,推動我們的團結和友愛, 希拉李氏家族非常感謝你。願上帝治癒她的病患,保佑你無私之服務, 讓我們繼續祈禱吧! 你的兄弟 詹姆斯. 狄克生 ”




  - Prayers And Blessings -

A Tribute To Congresswoman 

Sheila Jackson Lee

This morning I received a text message from Bishop James Dixon and it read as follows: 

"Words cannot convey my deepest appreciation for your service and support for Friends of Sheila Prayer and Praise Service for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. Our city longs for the unity and love that was displayed in the planning, producing, promoting and performing on and off the platform and for also being PRESENT. Sheila and the Lee family and I are  immensely grateful. May God heal her and bless you for your selfless service. Let’s stay together in prayer!

"Your Brother in Service,

"James Dixon."

Yesterday, at the Prayer and Praise for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee event on behalf of the Chinese Asian and International community, I praised her care for and contribution to our community. Over the past several years for all the major events we have sponsored, including the Lunar New Year Festival and the 70th Anniversary of the End of WWII, she has never been absent. She strongly supported the fight for civil rights for Chinese Americans and she is our best friend and sister. Now she is facing the challenge of illness. 

I met Sheila when she was first elected  to Congress. Since she also has the surname Lee, I jokingly called us siblings. She is a Yale graduate and has had a succesful political career. 

We all pray for her from the bottom of our hearts.