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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

每日评论 0724我們面臨歷史性之關鍵時刻

每日评论 0724我們面臨歷史性之關鍵時刻





今天我們面對對美國總統大選,首先要大家動員起來,除了要投票之外也要捐款給候選人, 我們這股力量絕對是關鍵的少數。


We Are Facing An Historic Critical Moment
Immediately after President Biden announced that he would give up his run for reelection, Vice President Kamala Harris announced that she would fight on behalf of the Democratic Party to face former President Trump in November. When she announced that she would enter the race, the voters immediately donated $81 million dollars to her campaign fund. This also represents that more people are ready to support her run for the presidency.
After Trump’s assassination attempt and injury, the Republican Party and many observers believed that they were winning the race for the White House, but judging by the lower amount of donations and latest polls, that might not be true.
In her first speech yesterday, Kamala Harris pointed out that in the presidential election race, she was confronting a convicted criminal from the standpoint of prosecutors against which she promised to launch an attack on Trump’s moral standards.
Today we urge all our people to go out to vote and donate money to candidates. Our united force is definitely a key minority factor.
We very much regret to say that our Founding Fathers' spirit is in serious jeopardy.