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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

美國新冠疫情日記06/15 We Need To Be Calm And Protect This Great Nation

美國新冠疫情日記06/15 We Need To Be Calm And Protect This Great Nation

We Need To Be Calm And Protect This Great Nation

In the last three months because of the Coronavirus pandemic, our community has suffered so much pain and lost so many people, and we still are feeling so much uncertainty.

Last week there was another tragedy in Atlanta, Georgia. A twenty-nine year old black man, Rayshard Brooks, was fatally shot by officers in a struggle following a field sobriety test. Authorities said the lone man had grabbed an officer’s Taser gun, but was running away when he was shot. Mayor Lane said she did not believe that this was a justified use of deadly force. Police chief Erika Shields immediately resigned, but still couldn’t calm the people.

Recent unrest in this country is not just a simple conflict between police force and the citizens. This is a long-standing social issue in our nation. When we look at our school system, the poor school districts don’t have enough resources to teach the students adequately. A lot of them come from single parent or broken family homes. Many can’t even get a high school diploma and don’t expect to go to college to get more education. When these groups of young people do not have the skills to get a job, they became a social problem. When Dr. Martin Luther King fought for civil rights in the1960’s, the political struggle just could not be improved. The black community living with this challenge is our responsibility to help each other and not just a slogan.

We are so angry and sad to watch some politicians use African, Asian and Chinese issues to gain their own political interest.

We are still urging all people to be united and to use all our effort to protect this great nation.

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我們還是要呼籲大家要鎮定應付大局全國之動亂可能無法停止就在上週, 亞特蘭大警察又把一名黑人打死從報告中得知二十七歲的黑人青年布魯斯因測出酒精出超拒捕和兩名警察扭打後搶走了雷射槍在逃走後被警察連開叁槍被打死, 雖然市長萊恩立即把開槍警察革職局長雪爾同時辭職但仍難息衆怒上週末再度上演放火燒店之悲劇。

最近連串之警民沖突事件暴露了我們社會長期存在之結構性問題冰凍叁尺非一日之寒自從民權運動領袖金恩博士在六十年代爭取平等民權以來美國國民基本教育已經存在諸多不公平之現象非裔社區之學校由于經費短缺師資不佳加上許多單親家庭無法兼顧孩童教育能夠高中畢業者已不在多數何況上大學者更是爲數不多在此競爭激烈之社會很難謀得較好之工作機會, 久而久之他們長期生活在社會之最下層經濟條件愈來愈差當然會造成社會之動亂之主因。

今天我們看到許多政客正在利用社會之矛盾肆意攻擊華亞裔社區, 在電視上公然辱罵實在令人不恥。

我們呼籲全體社區領袖及市民這是我們覺醒的時候了我們更要認淸許多國內外媒體存心醜化我們的社會秩序, 希望在許多問題上火上加油我們不可不慎。