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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

每日评论 0801 我們應做國家之主人

每日评论 0801 我們應做國家之主人






自掃門前雪之時代已經過去了,我們必須切記歷史,更不容歷史重演 ,大家團結起來共同向惡勢力挑战。

We Are The Masters Of Our Nation

The United States presidential election is just around the corner and the two candidates are already at odds and in the heat of the battle. This November’s election will decide who will occupy the White House, influencing not only the future of all Americans, but also will trigger a significant shift in the world order. We must call upon everyone to open their eyes, participate in the voting process and take control of our own destiny and the future of the next generation.

Countless immigrants residing in this 

land have come to America for various reasons, hoping to pursue a better life and contribute their lifetime efforts to this country. The achievements of immigrants in all walks of life have become a long-time significant force for social progress.

Today, we are witnessing the two presidential candidates expressing their different views on immigration and minority groups and their outlooks are vastly different.

This is the time to recognize that we are not bystanders in this political drama. We are not here to simply watch how events unfold. We must actively engage in all events and vote to elect leaders of our own choosing to lead this great nation.