每日评论1101 市长和國會議員之關心和鼓勵

第一屆休斯敦國際博覽會在華亞裔及國際社區之倡議和支持下昨天圆滿閉幕,籌備竟年之首次國際盛會,除了市長、國會議員各級民代之外 ,更有來自土耳其,安克拉,韓國,菲律賓 ,衣索比亞,瑞典,日本等十多個國家駐休斯敦之總領事,國務院駐西南區代表何主任皆出席了盛大之晚宴。
聽了市長及國會議員之溫馨談話,我心中充滿了感動和感激,憶及當年我們攜帶簡單之行囊,來到這塊土地,從那刻開始就從未放鬆過每一天之寶貴時光,今晚我們能主持一個國際外交文化及商貿之盛會,也算是為華亞裔社區爭光. 更感謝市長之鼓勵和表彰。
The Ongoing Support And Encouragement
Of Our Mayor And Our Congressman
The first Houston International Expo was hosted yesterday with the support and initiative by the Asian international communities. Mayor Whitmire and Congressman Al Green and more than ten consuls general were in attendance, including Angola, The Philippines, Turkey, Japan, Korea, Sweden, and Ethiopia.
The Mayor attended the whole party and delivered a
very touching and enthusiastic speech after awarding the certificates to six outstanding leaders of our community. The Mayor greatly praised the International Trade Center for its contributions to the city for over 22 years.
After listening to the speech delivered by our Mayor, my heart was full of emotion and gratitude. I recalled that we came to this land with empty hands, and since those first days here, we have never relaxed the precious time every day. So when I came onto the stage, I felt very proud that for all our sacrifices, it has all made our dream come true.