每日评论0116 我們為AI太空教室催生

正在籌辦中的世界太空愿景與AI挑戰賽已經決定於今年十月三日至六日在德州休斯敦布朗會議中心隆重揭幕,這也代表了華亞裔社區對美國及世界之一項貢獻。這一場結合科技和創業為年輕一代提供學習和實踐之機會,預計將有來自全球各地三千名國際學生共聚一堂, 把休斯敦推向世界舞台。
The AI Classroom Will Be Ready Soon
The World Space Vision and AI Challenge which is now being readied for launch, will be grandly unveiled at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas, from October 3-6 of this year, which also represents yet another important contribution of the Asian and Chinese community to our nation and to the entire world.
This combination of science and technology and entrepreneurship will provide many new opportunities for the younger generation to learn and practice their acquired skills and talents. It is expected that 3,000 international students from all over the world will gather together to proudly usher Houston onto the world stage of AI.
With the rapid leapfrog development of science and technology today, space exploration and AI technology are impacting
our society daily and are already steadly making revolutionary changes in our society. This unstoppable wave
of growth will also provide our world with many new and exciting opportunities.
In addition to holding the challenge, we are also preparing AI classrooms available to all walks of life, including young people, and opening the AI classrooms in the Southern News Media Center and will invite AI experts to teach various applications for adults and children, so as to open the AI door for anyone who wishes to enter.
We are very excited to offer this unique and very comprehensive combination of Media and AI Technology as an open classroom learning opportunity for the benefit of the general public.