美國新冠疫情日記 07/06/2020

How Can We Wait?
Today we are facing the worst time since World War II. From the border between China and India, to the South China Sea and North Korea -- the world is in crisis.
The coronavirus pandemic has brought the world to its knees and caused the greatest economic downturn along with the political turmoil we now have. The reason for this situation is related to a natural disaster as well as politicians’ ability to respond.
The presidential election is less than four months away now. We as the leader of the world must understand that this election is not just related to our own future, but also will influence the future of the world.
We want to urge all our brothers and sisters, because we love this land and we are here in our adopted home, this is the time and we need to act now. Please use your vote and donate money to your candidate to show your support.
Southern News Group will be joining hands with you all over the nation to promote and publish the Voters News. We must all participate in this election, not only for ourselves, but also for our next generation.
今天我們身處的世界可以說是二次大戰以來最混亂不安之時代,領導世界的美國尤其是處在內憂外患之困境, 從中印邊境到北韓香港局勢及南海情勢,到處是危機四伏。
新冠病毒之攻擊,讓世界各國都臣服了,世界经济加上政局不穩,全球正面臨任何人都無法幸免的危機,為何世界走到如此嚴重之地步 ,有天災更有人禍。
美國總統大選將於十一月三日投票,在未足四個月時間,這场選戰会決定我們國家的前途,也是影響世界的未來,因為美國仍然是世界第一强國 ,我們掌握了世界未來之走向。
美國傳媒集團將會責無旁貸地參與這次的政治活動,我們將在全美發動各項文宣,走進各地社區 和各位攜手共進,投入選戰行列。