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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹



   International Asian Community Legal Assistance Center

In the last one-half year, because of the coronavirus pandemic, our community is facing a lot of discrimination and the people are so anxious and really feel unsafe.

Most of the international immigrants and Asians came to America looking for liberty and freedom. I have traveled all over America from the east coast to New York, Boston, Washington DC, to the west coast and Los Angeles, San Francisco and the northwest to Seattle, Portland and to the midwest to Chicago, St. Louis and other cities. We have witnessed these newcomers to America and they are working so hard and they are making big contributions in the business, medical and many professional fields.

In the last several decades our civil rights leaders have already laid the groundwork for all of us. This nation was built on equity and freedom. We all as citizens need protection for our U.S. constitutional rights.

Now this is the time we need to act. We are working with fifteen to twenty prominent lawyers to serve on the board of the International Asian Community Legal Assistance Center. We really need your support and comments.

This legal assistance center will be open for service in the very near future.

Our organizing team is being lead by Daniel Lee and Jessica Chen. This assistance advisory group will make an announcement soon.

If you have any comments, please send to me at Wealee@aol.com.


新冠疫情在全國各地之猖狂已經到了無法管控之危險境地, 由於政客們對病毒之傳染大加 造成美國大眾對反華亞裔之情緒以致使我們社區遭受到前所未有之恐懼和驚慌。

我們來到美利堅共和國這塊土地大多數人都是奉公守法的公民我本人在全美各大小城市走透透所有到過的城市從美東的紐約波士頓、 華府到美西洛杉磯、 舊金山、 波特蘭 西雅圖 到美中芝加哥聖路易等城市我們都親眼目睹移民社區在学術商業醫療方面之卓越貢獻, 豈能一些政客誤導亞裔族群製造對立。

多年來在非裔和拉丁裔社區早就有保障公民權方面的法律援助服務而且在他們遭到歧視時 立即得到聲援。今天我們國際移民及華亞裔社區正在遭受前所未有之挑戰這是我們大家站出來的時候了。

目前我們已經得到法律界之承諾及支持 並且已經在積極籌備之中將來會有十五至二十位全國各地之亞裔華裔非裔及拉丁裔之律師義務加入行列為我們來仗義执言。
