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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹



                                  Coronavirus Horrible Number

The United States on Sunday surpassed 5 million confirmed cases of the coronavirus according to data collected by John Hopkins University. We have both the highest number of confirmed cases and the most deaths of any country in the world.

The world’s total confirmed cases is nearly 20 million, meaning that the U.S. accounts for 25% of that total. And we only have around 4% of the world’s population.

In other words, for every 66 citizens we already have one case – such a horrible number!

Several U.S. lawmakers including Louie Gohmert, Mario Diaz-Balart and Governor of Ohio Mike DeWine also have confirmed cases of COVID-19. The former head of the FDA, Dr. Scott Gottlieb warned that the death toll could reach 300,000 by the end of this year.

The world’s richest man, Bill Gates, said in an interview that two of the many issues are a failure to shut down and a lag in testing capabilities.

This is shame. We are the richest and most medically equipped country in the world and we still can’t control this pandemic. We still are observing a lot of people gathering at different locations and at functions without wearing masks.

A lot of ordinary citizens have lost their jobs, but they still worry about the virus attacking their families. We are strongly urging all the politicians to act immediately to save our people and our nation.


根據霍布金斯大學今天發表之疫情報告到今天為止美國全國確診人數已經超過五百萬人其中每六十六人就有一人確診在全世界也是死亡人數及確診人數最多的國家, 全球二千萬確診我們就佔四分之一, 而在全世界人口中我們僅佔百分之四。

近日來一大批不戴口罩的機車騎士在南柯達州小鎮呼嘯而過 他們都不願載上口罩 ,並宣稱是憲法賦予之自由更有數位國會議員及俄亥俄州長也染上病毒,從上兩週開學以來已经有十萬學童確診專家估計今年年底之前美國將有三十萬人喪生於新冠病毒。

 美國首富比爾蓋茲今天在電視訪問中再次質疑我們是世界上醫療最發達及先進之國家 主要是聯邦及地方政府之防疫工作效率太低, 國民多不遵守戴口罩社交距離及勤洗手之基本法則。

我們非常痛心疫情猖獗嚴重威脅國民生命安全之時政客們不但束手無策, 大放厥词 大言視老百姓之生命於不顧, 何其不幸?

( 图片来源:路透社 )