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新聞 / 今日要聞



This Is The Chance To Rescue Our Nation

According to the latest polls with people living in America, 72% of us believe that this is the worst time we have ever experienced, and that 42% of the jobs lost to the current crisis will never return.

Americans now have gone for 150 days without any kind of relief deal from Congress. While they were still on vacation, many of their constituents still faced eviction, hunger, illness and despair.

With only two months remaining before we will go to vote in the next presidential election, both Democrats and Republicans are working hard to gain the victory. No matter who is going to be the president, their first priority will be to rescue the people from the coronavirus pandemic, to resume our economic activities and resume our leadership around the world.

Handing out the stimulus relief funds is not the solution. We need to create jobs to stimulate the economy, to rebuild our infrastructure and get our economy moving again.

We are the nation with the richest resources and the most talented people. We have confidence that we can overcome this challenging moment and begin to rebuild our country.



距離上次國會和聯邦政府通過之紓困案距今已經有一百五十多天,國會諸公目前正在休假期間,總統候選人正在忙於競選, 對於選民們面臨之飢餓、病患、被房東驅逐絕望之處境 ,大家都不聞不問。

離開我們總統大選之日子只有六十天,在此關鍵時刻兩黨候選人必將全力衝刺迎取胜利,縦觀世界大局,全球人民在新冠疫情之肆虐下,大部份人都處於苦痛掙扎之中,世界局勢也因而進入前所未有之危險時期 ,我們做為世界之領袖,由於主客觀因素造成了今天之困境。


為了拯救民間困苦,政府無度發放救濟金, 嚴重影響財政赤字, 絕非明智之举,我們還是呼籲疫苗早日出現,全面防堵疫情傳播,重回經濟軌道,加大全國基礎建設,重整世界秩序,增加就業機會,才是全民之福。

(图片来源:路透社 )