美国新冠疫情日记 09/26

Houston Asian Digital Yellow Pages
Southern News Group has published yellow pages in major cities for many years, but today in this digital age we are going to publish a new edition called the Asian Digital Yellow Pages in order to serve our customers around the globe.
The Asian Digital Yellow Pages will be categorized into different types of businesses with short 90-second introductions to the businesses and the people who run it, and then all this information can be shared through a cell phone anywhere in the world.
Our scdaily.com website will also include a new column called Digital Yellow Pages that users can easily access online. When users click on the Digital Yellow Pages selection, they will immediately be connected with the Asian Digital Yellow Pages website and the introductory video.
STV is also working on a new live business talk show that will invite business owners either to our studio or to a long distance interview to create a video to introduce their products and services that will be uploaded onto the Asian Digital Yellow Pages website.
We are very happy that we can add a new product, the Asian Digital Yellow Pages, especially in this time of the coronavirus pandemic. Most people today are staying home or working at home. This new digital internet yellow pages website will give business owners more and faster access to their customers and at the same time improve customer service.
美南传媒正式开啟跳动数位黄页之大门 ,今后将把全美各地之黄页进行数位化, 以赶上时代之变迁 ,為更多之客户服务。
今后在美南新闻网站将增加数位黄页专区 , 透过视讯影像及语音 , 真实向大眾介绍客户之服务事项 , 并且广邀各行各业人士进入摄影棚或视讯访问, 真正实现零距离即时之动画黄页, 也将成為美南融媒体之主要成员。
科技之日新月异 , 我们的脚步永远不会停留 , 我们和观眾及读者之互动将更密切。
美国疫情仍然严峻, 大选前景仍是未知数, 这场民主共和两党之政治竞争将是史无前例 , 我们是参与者也是决定我们自己命运之一次选择, 我们盼望跳动数位黄页之诞生 , 能為选民传达更新更广更生动的讯息。