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美国新冠疫情日记 10/ 29

美国新冠疫情日记 10/ 29

                             Biden Still Holds A Steady Election Lead 

According to the latest poll indications, Democratic nominee Joe Biden maintains a steady lead over President Trump nationwide.

Among all the voters, 54% back Biden, while 42% support Trump. Biden’s lead nationally is wider than any presidential candidate has held in more than twenty years in the final days of the campaign.

The poll finds that among the people who have already voted, 64% are for Biden and 34% are for Trump. Women break sharply for Biden at 61% to 37%. Among men, 48% are for Trump and 47% are for Biden.

The presidential approval rate in the poll stands at 42% approve to 55% disapprove.

Biden maintains advantages over Trump as the candidate who is more likely to unite the country and the candidate who is more honest and trustworthy.

Today our nation is facing a major crisis. In many ways, whoever will lead this country is our major decision.

In Washington, the stimulus package was delayed again. The Fed is running out of ways to help the economy. U.S. stocks continued to sell off in recent days. It was to the market’s worst week since late March as rising coronavirus infections shook investors’ confidence.

We don’t know how accurate the polling numbers are, but we still want to urge all of you to go out and vote. Every vote counts.


当全世界正在面对另一场新冠病毒的大战时 欧洲各国正展开封城措施美国全国各地更是严正以待,位于美墨边境已经在建造野战医院,对付医院无法收留的病患。

根据最新民意测验,在全国投票人当中,有百分之五十四支持拜登百分之四 十二支持川普,但是在已经投票的七千万选民中百分之六十四投给拜登百分之三十四投川普,女性投票选民多半支持拜登, 而川普支持率只有百分之三十七。


大选在即我们仍然要呼吁大家去投下神圣的一票, 命运撑握在我们自己手中, 今天我们华亚裔正处於最艰难时期, 各种谎言及攻击造成社区之不安, 大家一定要守望相助,共同克服困难。
