大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/08

我闻 我见 我思
在美国有歷史二百三十多年来,除了经济大萧条,这次新冠疫情是前所未有的大灾难。 根据美国食品银行的估计,目前美国人当中每八个人就有一人遭受飢饿之困境, 这是多麼令人悲哀的事情,美国不是全世界最富有的国家吗?如今还有超过百分之十的贫穷人口还在飢饿线上挣扎,得靠政府之救援,真是多大的讽刺啊。
U.K. Giant Vaccine Rollout
As it prepares to begin rolling out a coronavirus vaccine on Tuesday, Britain is taking on the biggest logistical challenge ever faced by the country’s health service. They want to vaccinate tens of millions of people against the coronavirus in a matter of months. Retired health workers are being asked to help.
President-elect Biden has asked Congress and President Trump to pass the stimulus economic package. Otherwise, more than 12 million people will lose their unemployment benefits and more small businesses will be forced to close.
Today we are facing the biggest challenge in our modern history. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, one out of eight people in the U.S. now faces hunger. And as the richest country in the world, this is very ironic for us.
Thank God we finally have a vaccine coming to rescue us. Before most of us can be vaccinated, we still will need to wear the masks, keep the social distance and wash our hands.