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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/21

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 12/21

我见 我思 我闻


上週六上午淸晨,人们尚在睡梦中,我来到美南新闻办公室, 大地似乎在哭泣, 顷盆大雨和巨大的雷响划过广场 ,在濛陇的上空只有明亮耀眼的LED 正在显示今天是我们為社区大眾送温暖的日子。

自从今年二月底以来, 新冠肺炎席捲了全球, 我们的兄弟姐妹们遭受到前所未有之生活及心霊上之巨大挑战, 足足将近三百天的苦难日子, 我的工作同仁一直坚守岗位, 為广大群眾从无间断的传递新闻, 这也是我们创报以来最艰困的时期 ,不论何等艰难, 我们一定要坚持下去, 因為我们的新闻事业担负着神圣的社会责任。

今晨我们又再一次执行对社区关怀的任务 ,就是把食物送到需要的家庭中, 為大家免费检测新冠病毒。

七时刚过 ,许多志工开始聚集, 十八轮大卡车载满了食物驶进广场 ,负责检验的工作人员开始佈置帐蓬, 但是雨还是在继续下, 所有工作人员只有穿上单薄的雨衣继续工作。

上午八时许 ,由王超文兄 、天津同乡会陈会长董革老师及卿梅女士们率领的年轻朋友来到了现场 ,她们在风雨中开始分装食品袋, 有的在现场指挥交通, 许多车辆早已排队开始做新冠肺炎检验, 到了上午十一时我们开始发送食物袋, 在大雨中所有志愿者都在淋雨為大家把食物袋送上车, 当时, 我目睹一幕幕动人的画面, 心情也更加激动和感慨, 美利坚共和国為何沦落如此。

我要特别感谢当天来参加的各位义工, 多年来, 长久来他们对於社会服务都非常热衷, 这更代表我们对美国社会之关懐。

每年圣诞节前我们都会举办一次公益活动, 尤其是新冠疫情严重扩散的时候 ,我们特别感谢格林国会议员及卫生局之大力协助 ,也要再次感谢陈会长 ,董老师、 卿梅 、超文兄 ,你们的衣襟被淋透了 ,但是你们的无私奉献, 不知温暖了多少人的心。

Sending Our Love To The Community

Last Saturday early in the morning I walked into my office. Suddenly the heavy triangle came down from the sky, then became dark and only the bright sun was still shining on the LED screen.

Since February of this year, the coronavirus has attacked our community. Many of our brothers and sisters are suffering from this pandemic. Even in this very difficult time, my colleagues are still working on the front line to report the news on TV and in the daily newspaper because this is our social responsibility.

We were so happy and honored to team up with our congressman Al Green and the Houston Food Bank who came to the International Trade Center and presented Free Drive-Thru COVID Testing and Food Distribution last Saturday. Our efforts were focused on helping families in our community to fight against hunger this holiday season.

Early in the morning our volunteer team lead by Owen Wang , Shirley Qing, Lucy Dong and president of the Tianjin Association, Chairwoman Chen, all came to our compound but the weather was not cooperating. The rain was still coming down and all the volunteers had to work in the rain while protecting the food bags. They just put on their protective raincoats and tried to continue their mission.

I was so very moved and really regret all of them having to work in such bad weather.

Every year before Christmas we try to sponsor some kind of event to show our appreciation to our community. Especially this year, Congressman Al Green, you came to sponsor this very meaningful event at such a difficult time in our community.

We also want to say many heartfelt thanks to all the dear friends and community leaders who gave us their support. Because of your caring, we were able to send the love to those suffering people.

Many have experienced horrible days and nights and our brothers and sisters need your continuing helping hands.