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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/24

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 12/24

我见 我闻 我思


世界着名的哈佛大学东亚学者傅高义週日在麻州康布里奇因病去世, 享年九十岁 ,一代研究日本和中国的政治大师 ,决定了当代美国人对东亚歷史之理解。

随着日本在经济上之崛起, 1979 年傅高义出版了「日本第一对美国的啟示」一书,非常精准的描述日本是如何赶上美国而他们為什麼可以做到这一点, 他特别在书中指出,日本重视公民教育,有极优秀的政府公务员。

二十年后 他开始对亚洲另一崛起的超级大国 --- 中国展开全面的硏究工作, 在二千年,他以中国改革开放之领导人邓小平為题,出版了一部幅达876 页的「邓小平时代」并且访问了赵紫阳、胡耀邦和邓小平等中国领导人的后代子女,这是一本研究中国近代史最权威的一本大着作。


数十年来 傅高义経常访问亚洲, 并且用中文和日语发表演说 ,他对於目前美中关係之恶化感到沮丧, 但是他对两个超级大国未景仍然乐观。


拜登政府即将接管白宫, 今后中美两国之关係, 相信也会有不同之调整方向, 美国政商学界之代表人物多半还是主张两国再度回到国际多边政治経济架构之下,进行合作和竞争才是解决问题之道。

Harvard Professor Ezra F. Vogel Has Passed Away

Professor Ezra F. Vogel, an eminent scholar of East Asia Studies at Harvard University whose writings about China and Japan helped western people understand the rise of the two Asian powers has passed away.

Vogel’s son Steven confirmed that his father had passed away due to complications of surgery.

In 1979, Professor Vogel published Bamako called, “Japan as Number One: Lessons for America,” he outlined how the Japanese had caught up with America because of their ability to govern and educate its citizens efficiently.

In the year of 2011, Professor Vogel published an 876-page book, “Deng Xiaoping,” one of the most in-depth biographies of the pragmatic leader who lead the reform of China that helped lift hundreds of millions of Chinese out of poverty. In the book, he interviewed the children of key communist party figures including Zhao Ziyang, Hu Yaobang and Chinese leader Jiang Zemin.

Ezra Vogel was born on July 11, 1930, in Delaware, Ohio, to a Jewish immigrant family. He and his wife Suzanne went to Japan and stayed for a period of time. Both of them became researchers of East Asian affairs.

Over the last sixty years, Professor Vogel frequently visited Asia and met all kinds of people and delivered lectures in both Chinese and Japanese.

His last book, “China and Japan: Facing History,” was published in 2019 at the age 89. His goal was to examine the 1,500-year tie between China and Japan and to try and improve relations between them.

Like many scholars, Professor Vogel was worried about the recent downward turn in relations between the U.S and China. But he still remained optimistic.

President–elect Biden will be in the White House in less than one month. We all hope the two world powers will get back to normal on the international stage and seek better solutions for both nations.

As we salute the late, great scholar, Professor Ezra F.Vogel, we will continue to look for peace and a better future for the world.