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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 02/11/2021

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 02/11/2021


今天是除夕,是子鼠年最后一天夜晚,也称為岁除, 意指旧岁至此而除, 另换丑牛年之光临,除夕也是除旧布新,闔家团圆,祭祀祖先的日子,漂泊在外的游子也要赶着回家和家人团聚,在爆竹声中除旧岁,烟花满天中迎新春,这种习俗藴藏在千百年来我们炎黄子孙之心中。

不幸的是,新冠疫情非常惨酷的攻击全球人类,数百万宝贵生命因而丧生,世界各国因受病毒侵袭,可谓遍地哀鸿, 民不聊生,时至今日,疫情仍然无法制止,世界各国争相取得疫苗,政客们也束手无策。

回顾我们华人移民海外的歷程,可说是一部可歌可泣的血泪史,尤其是近百年来, 由於贫穷 战乱,多少人离家背井,远走天下,可以说有阳光的地方就有我们的华侨。



Welcome Year Of The Metal Ox

According to the Chinese zodiac, 2021 is the Year of the Ox.

Last year 2020 was the Year of the Rat and because of the coronavirus pandemic, the whole world was in chaos. Millions of people lost their lives. Many tragic stories in our community.

In the Chinese zodiac, the ox is very hardworking and methodical. This year is going to be lucky and also a perfect time to focus on relationships with your friends and loved ones.

In the past few hundred years, China used to be a nation of poverty. Many Chinese went out to different parts of the world looking for opportunity. Today, Chinese immigrants are all over the globe. Most of them still observe the old tradition of celebrating the Lunar New Year. This is the time to remember our ancestors, and most importantly, to still consider ourselves as Chinese.

Because of the pandemic, this year we are celebrating the Lunar New Year virtually.

The 25th Annual Texas International Lunar Festival will be held tonight, Thursday, Feb. 11th from 6-10 pm. (http://www.texaslunarfest.net/)You can watch it on STV 15.3 and on YouTube, Facebook and other social media platforms.