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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 02/23

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 02/23

我见 我思 我闻

天灾人祸 人间炼狱

强大的美国,抵挡不住天灾加人祸 ,德州过去一週之雪灾,新冠病毒之攻击, 已经夺走五十万人之宝贵生命,我们是多么的无奈和悲慟,在歷史上也写下惨痛之一页。


拜登总统在追悼去新冠肺炎去世的五十万国人时, 许多人失去亲人之悲哀,他有如身受之经验 ,我们坚信曙光已经在望, 我们的国家将会再度迎来光明和微笑。

Our Nation Will Smile Again

Millions of Texans who have gone through a devastating week of freezing temperatures and a relentless winter storm, now along with all the politicians, are pointing fingers at each other.

President Biden has now approved more counties in Texas as major disaster areas. The water systems in both Austin and Houston were hit hard by the winter storm and now are finally fully restored.

President Biden honored more than a half million Americans whose lives have been lost to the coronavirus and spoke to the nation from his own experience when it came to describing the grief of losing a loved one. He said, “I know that when you stare at that empty chair around the kitchen table, it brings it all back, no matter how long ago it happened, as if it just happened that moment.”

The president also expressed optimism telling Americans, “We will get through this I promise you.”

In the White House, President Biden and his wife Jill participated in a moment of silence, standing by 500 lighted candles. The President also ordered the flag of the United States to be flown at half-staff for five days.