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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 06/26

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 06/26



这栋大楼曾经住有富有的白领年轻家庭及许多从东部到此退休人员这座废墟如今面对着汪洋大海破坏的家俱和床单在空中还有火烛灰烬在空中传播午夜还下了雨 上百名救灾人物正在做最后努力 试图找出还有的生还者



我们呼吁当地政府立即全面復查所有大楼之结构和地基 防止有类似惨剧再次上演

我们对於那些失去亲友的人表示哀悼之意 也愿那些往生者一路好走

更希望救难者继续在努力搜救那些可能的失踪者 我们感谢你们在万般艰难之危险时刻, 来完成一项搜寻之神圣任务

Tragedy In The Tourist Paradise

The collapse of a Surfside condo complex just north of Miami Beach close to midnight on Thursday which landed on the ground like a pancake left at least four people dead with more than one hundred residents still missing.

Hundreds of firefighters and urban rescue squads were working on the scene. People don’t understand how the 40-year-old condo could have suddenly crumbled as its residents slept in their beds. The building was home to a mix of white collar and retired people.

President Biden said that he had spoken with local officials and FEMA was prepared to assist as needed. Biden said to the people of Florida that, “whatever help you want, the federal government can provide.”

The record shows that the condo was built in 1981 and CPI got it up-to-date on its required 40-year recertification. It was about to undergo extensive repairs for its rusted steel and damaged concrete. But it was too late.

We urge the federal government to take immediate action to check all the surrounding buildings to make sure their structures are in sound condition.

We are sending our deepest condolences to all the victims and their families and very much appreciate all the rescue teams that are doing a great job.