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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 11/25

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 11/25


今年的感恩节, 也是新冠疫情爆发以来的第二个节日, 尤其是祖父母们渴望和子孙儿女们共聚堂, 同享火鸡晚餐

但是大家千万不要忘记 数百万人到目前為止尚未接种疫苗 这将会对家人带来许多隐忧

在一项民意调查中显示 其中百分之四十的受访眾仍然担心会在感恩节晚餐集会中被传染

公卫专家们表示 没有接种者将六倍机会被传染 他们建议在聚会之前必须自问你自己是否已经接种过了 是否已经测试过 并建议在聚会中打开门窗或戴上口罩

试想去年感恩节我们遭遇到疫苗之困境 如今已经随处可得 许多人至今还未接种 真是不可想像的事

今天大家能够再次共度节日 我们要特别感激那些不眠不休的医药专家们 能够在极短时间内研发出对付病毒之疫苗 拯救世界及人类

此时此刻我们大家都要惜福感恩 看看你週边是否有需要帮助的人或隣居 请伸出你温暖的手 这才是我们共度佳节之最大意义

We Need To Enjoy A Safe Thanksgiving

Millions of grandmoms and grandpops are seeing their grandchildren and loved ones tonight. This marks the second Thanksgiving during the coronavirus pandemic.

According to a survey, more than 31% of people still view a large or moderate risk in seeing their friends and family today. Still millions of people haven’t been vaccinated. Medical experts say unvaccinated people are six times more likely to test positive for Covid-19 than those who are vaccinated. Infections among the unvaccinated continue to drive this pandemic’s hospitalizations and deaths.

We also need to know the vaccination status of people around us. As Dr. Fauci said, he will be spending the holidays with his family and it’s OK to ditch the masks when everyone is vaccinated.

If we look back, last Thanksgiving we were still fighting for the vaccine. But today we have enough vaccine for everybody, but some people still refuse to be vaccinated.

We really appreciate those scientists who have worked on the vaccine to come and save the world, especially in this holiday season.

During this joyful moment, please look after your friends and neighbors. Give them some help with your warm hand.