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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0107

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0107

我思 我见 我闻


俄罗斯领导的后苏联国家军事联盟之军队正在準备开进哈萨克斯坦以帮忙这个中亚国家平息内乱 ,从本週四开始已有十多名警察及示威者丧生 数百人受伤

首都阿拉木图市警方表示 示威者正在袭击行政大楼 警察局 国民们是在抗议燃料及物价之飈升 并连续进行了几天来的抗议活动 并且冲进了阿拉木图机埸并放火烧毁了主要行政大楼 全国互联网也全部中断

总统托卡耶夫已经向包括俄罗斯 白俄罗斯 亚美尼亚等国请求军事援助

哈萨克斯坦是全球第九大国土之国家 自一九九一年独立以来 由於国内资源丰富 経济成长快速 但是由于政府治理不当 経常有民眾示威抗议活动


包括鸟克兰在内之危机 拜登总统又势必面对另一挑战 对俄罗斯而言 两个国家不但是政治上极其重要 在経济利益及战略地位都是和美国对抗之课题

疫情严重打击民生経济 物价飞涨 民不聊生 因而造成民怨 各国领袖必须记起教训 否则悲剧将不断上演

Turmoil in Kazakhstan

The army of the post-Soviet military alliance led by Russia is preparing to enter Kazakhstan to help the central Asian country quell civil unrest. Since Thursday, more than twelve policemen and demonstrators have been killed and hundreds have been injured. 

Police in the capital city of Almaty said that the demonstrators were attacking the administrative building and police station. They rushed into the airport and set fires and  also interrupted the national internet service. 

Kazakhstan is the nineteenth largest country in the world. Since its independence in 1991, due to rich domestic resources, it has grown rapidly, but because of the corrupt government, inflation and high fuel prices, the people started protesting in the streets.

President Biden is bound to face another challenge with Russia. These two countries, including the Ukraine, are not only extremely important politically, but also they are important because of their strategic security locations. 

The pandemic has seriously hit the people’s livelihoods. Prices are soaring and people are in poverty. That will cause the unrest. 

The leaders of all the nations must learn their lesson. Otherwise, the tragedies will continue to happen.