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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 01/27

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 01/27


我们即将迎来戊寅虎年之来临 新年的鐘声送别了辛丑牛年 崭新的一年将随着炮烛声中来到 在此迎新辞旧继往开来的神圣时刻 回顾过去一年之岁月 时间在苍白中流过 世界仍然笼罩在灰暗之色彩中 但是我们都没有悲观的权利 过去的已经是歷史 未来才是撑握在自己之手中

今天国内外情势面临着二次大战以来最大之挑战 美国国内通货膨胀 物价上涨国会两党势不两立, 治安败坏, 执政者无法推动施政 更加上疫情持续扩散 国际方面 不满群眾冲入乌克兰国会大厦 美国正调兵遣将对付俄罗斯十多万陈兵边境準备入侵 在南海美国航母和面对中国之对抗 大国战火有一触即发之危机

一年之计在於春 我们寄望世界领袖应以苍生為念 把干戈化為玉帛 妥善处理冲突 在面对新冠疫情之全球问题更应相互支援 解决当前最严重的挑战

新年孕育着新的生命和希望 一切的憧憬向我们走近 人永远要活在希望的明天之中

今天我们透过网路能够结识天涯却有咫尺之感 我们真诚的盼望携手天涯悠悠路 穿越网路庆新春

Welcome To The Year Of The Tiger

We are about to welcome the arrival of the Year of the Tiger. This is a sacred moment of welcoming the new and saying goodbye to the past. The world is still shrouded in gray, but we are not sad. The future is in our own hands.

Today the situations at home and abroad face the biggest challenges since WWII. At home, inflation is causing prices to keep rising and the epidemic is still spreading. Internationally, people in the Ukraine are dissatisfied with the government and have stormed the parliament building and the United States has dispatched 8,300 troops to deal with the crisis. More than 100,000 Russian troops are now ready to invade Ukraine. A U.S. aircraft carrier is now in the South China Sea and there is an imminent crisis that threatens war in the region.

We hope the leaders of all the countries will work together to solve the problems in a peaceful way.

The new year brings the promise of new life and we hope today we will be so lucky to meet each other again on the internet. Let us hope that the new year will bring peace and prosperity for all of us.