美国新冠肺炎抗疫日记 4/7/2020 美国挺住 世界加油

美国挺住 世界加油
昨天在讨论如何申报政府对小商业如何补助的视讯会议上,有哪个国家能拨出二万亿来救灾,我们在美国是何等之幸运 ? 眾多之国会议员、市长 、州长及总统每天定期举办记者会告诉大家疫情发展, 白宫记者会上记者们每天和川普唇枪舌战,指控总统救灾不力 ,总统回应这家媒体记者服务单位专门报导假新闻,我们何其有幸能恭逢其盛。
我们希望大家每天听听白宫记者会,虽然总统之谈话我们不能照单全收,但是川普总统谈话中对国家充满信心,疫情一过国家经济会立即恢復,让我们共同高呼 :美国挺住, 世界加油!
America’s Stake In the World -- Come On
Since early this year, the Coronavirus has broken out from Wuhan, China, and has spread all over the world, including more than 200 countries.
Today, New York City and New York state have confirmed that cases are slowing down. New York Governor Cuomo is already talking about how to restart the economy in the near future.
And right now here in Houston, we are sponsoring a webinar with the SBA and discussing how small businesses can get relief from the federal government.
We should feel very fortunate to live in America where the U.S. congress and federal government is willing to spend 2 trillion dollars to rescue the economy. City mayors, state governors and the president -- all of them respond to the American people and report current and updated information on the situation.We are so lucky that this level of communication channels are open and allow us to have very transparent and useful information.
Even though we can’t agree on all that President Trump says in the news conferences, we cannot ignore his optimistic and strong attitude that gives our nation more confidence for America’s Stake In The World – Come On!