美国新冠肺炎抗疫日记0408 武汉解封了

76 天笼照在阴霾下的江城武汉终于重现曙光,重啟的武汉让人激动不己,打开大门再现车水马龙,这是所有人日夜共同努力迎来的翘首期盼。
Wuhan City Is Open
After 76 days in quarantine, Wuhan, China, has opened its doors again. LED lights and cars stuck in traffic jams had the city shining again. We are so glad that China has declared victory over this pandemic. Wuhan has also set a very good example for the world on how to fight the Coronavirus.
Sadly, America still facing its worse time in the pandemic as the number of confirmed case has risen to over 400,000 with 13,000 deaths.
President Trump has now announced that General Motors and General Electric are working day and night to make 11,000 units of respirators for delivery to local hospitals to rescue the growing number of sick patients.
We are urging the people of China and local Chinese communities to continue to support the American people in this battle. We should always remember that the power of today’s politicians is only temporary, and that friendship between our two countries is forever.