社评0906 英国女首相上任

英国保守党投票选出外交大臣特拉斯出任首相,她打败了前财政大臣苏纳克而成為保守党领袖, 她将前往.巴尔摩拉尔城堡覲见女王后立即组阁。
多年来,她是以对抗中国大陆為主要政见,她在竞选期间誓言,立即对付目前超过百分之十之通物膨胀及减軽英国家庭之能源支出, 希望成為另一个铁娘子。
在野和上任领导是有极大差异, 我们大家都拭目以待吧。
近期因暴风雨患,巴基斯坦遭受了近百年来最大水灾已造成一千多人死亡,其中包括四百名孩童, 由於大量道路受损交通阻塞, 造成救灾非常困难。
我们呼吁国际社会能尽快伸出援手,向巴国提供援助,我也巳致电休斯敦巴基斯坦商会会长坎克先生表示关切, 并希望尽快发起賑灾筹款会, 為灾民送上温暖。
U.K. Has A New Prime Minister
After she was elected leader of the ruling Conservative party on Monday, Liz Truss will be Britain’s next Prime Minister to succeed the scandal-tarnished Boris Johnson.
Truss has been the country’s Foreign Secretary and has been appealing to the right wing party, being faithful to tax cutting and taking a hard line on China and the European Union.
She will also be facing the winter energy crisis, widespread strikes and economic recession. All of these issue will test her ability to run the country. Her victory means she is the third female leader of the UK after Margaret Thatcher and Theresa May.
Outgoing Prime Minister Johnson said, “Truss has the right plan to tackle the cost of living crisis, will unite our party and continue the great work of uniting and leveling up our country.
One-Third Of Pakistan Is Under Water
A third of Pakistan was left underwater after experiencing the heaviest rain on record, especially in the southern provinces of Sindh and Baluchistan which have seen five times their normal levels of monsoonal rain.
The number of total deaths is over 1,400, with almost one-third of the victims being children.
There are three million children now in need of urgent assistance across Pakistan due to the risk of waterborne diseases, drowning and malnutrition.
The UN is delivering the needed food, water and medicine to the area, but it is not going to be enough.
We are urging all the people to help. I spoke to the local president of the Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and asked them what can we do to help? We should organize some relief meeting to do our best for those suffering people in Pakistan.