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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评 1121 佩洛西时代之结束

社评 1121 佩洛西时代之结束



在华府风光数十年的美国眾议院议长佩洛西上週在国会发表告别演讲, 表示不再寻求连任,她三十五年之政治生涯中划下句点。


刚结束的期中选 ,民主党失去了多数席次, 被迫把议长职务交出。 佩洛西之辞职是必然的, 她说未来是属於新时代的,这位旧金山选出的风云人物,最近因她的丈夫被一人鬨入住宅伤害了她的丈夫, 但是她还是要以眾议员身份继续留在国会。


这位性格强悍和共和党死对头的女强人, 数十年来歷尽华府政坛 曾经对川普进行弹劾而未成, 并在国会通过了有史以来最大的経济振兴方案。


她在今年八月出访台湾时, 掀起了台海两岸之巨大风暴因而导致美中关系走向低潮, 她的行动也為台湾未来造成更多之风险。


一朝天子一朝臣,政治昰非常现实, 选举失败打包走人, 民主党仍然撑控参院,但是民主党已经开始向拜登清算将展开对白宫施政不妥及其子亨特之调查。


我们奉劝国会诸公,美国面对通货膨胀, 物价飞涨, 你们还是要以民生為重吧。

 The End Of Pelosi’s Era


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that she will not seek a leadership position in the new Congress, making way for a new generation of leaders after the Democrats lost the House majority in the midterm election.


After leading the Democrats for nearly twenty years, and the aftermath of the brutal attack on her husband last month in San Francisco, she will stay in Congress and continue representing California.


She said that, “Now we must move boldly into the future. The hour has come for a new generation.”


Pelosi has kept a divided caucus unified and passed many landmark bills, including the Affordable Care Act and the American Rescue Plan.


Pelosi answered reporters saying she won’t endorse anyone in the race to succeed her and she won’t sit on any committee as a rank-and -file lawmaker, “Because there are things I want to do. I like to dance and I like to sing. There is life out there.”


We believe Pelosi’s era will really be over soon.