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社评0727 拜访几内亚驻美国大使馆

社评0727 拜访几内亚驻美国大使馆


週三上午国际贸易中心代表一行前往华府几内亚驻美国大使馆拜会, 受到卡巴大使之热情接待, 并且和主管经济、 新闻及投资事务之官员进行非常深入之座谈。

卡巴大使是新到任之外交代表, 她曾任几内亚外交部长, 他首先介绍国内情况和当前新政府制定之新投资条例, 其中包括矿產、 农业、 观光等项目。

我们也简介了总部设在休斯敦的国际贸易中心决定在华府 、洛杉磯及波士顿设立办事处, 加强在全国各地之文经活动, 并且邀请卡巴大使参加揭幕仪式。

华府是世界政治中心 ,国际贸易中心将加强和各国大使馆及联邦政府之联系,展亓各项交流, 其中包括环球第一银行,在美东地区之业务开展工作。


We Visited The Embassy Of Guinea In DC

The International Trade Center delegation visited the Guinea Embassy Wednesday morning and was greeted by Ambassador Kaba. This was the first time since the ambassador arrived in the U.S. that I have visited her.

In the meeting, she gave us a very through briefing about the new situation in Guinea. The government welcomes all investors to come and invest in minerals, tourism and agriculture projects.

In the meantime, we were in DC to establish the DC branch office of the ITC. This is the first step. We plan to have new branches in Boston, Los Angeles and the Washington DC areas. We hope these connections will strengthen our contacts through the nation and the world.

We are also planning to set up new branch offices for our new Global One Bank.