社评 0201 联邦紧急救济总署向社区招手

首先,由主管德州及西南地区之副执行长布拉雪尔向大家报告多年来联邦政府对於重大灾难发生时尽力支援受灾区是他们最重要之职责,除了协助重建之外, 并透过联邦小商业局之贷款协助商家恢復正常营业。
在会中也有国家气象局专家黎利、 赫里斯郡国土安全部新闻协调官牧瑞及全国老人协会代表屠杜等,他们分别在会中呼吁社区领袖们必须做好準备,面对未来可能发生之灾难。
我们非常感谢政府救难单位对社区之重视和关怀, 许多无法预测之灾难必须提前作好万全之準备。
FEMA Came To Our Community
With the arrangement of Sandy Close, Director of the Ethnic Media Service Team, the Federal Emergency Management Agency came to Southern News Group STV studio for a very extensive exchange with local ethnic media groups. First of all, Traci Brasher, Deputy Regional Administrator in Region 6 which is comprised of Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas and 68 tribal nations, explained how the federal government can help when disasters hit local communities. The meeting Included Brian Murray, Deputy Coordinator for Homeland Security & Emergency Management and Public Information Officer Dan Reilly, a meteorologist for the National Weather Service and Jason Tudor from AARP who all commented on the importance of being prepared for disasters in the future.
We are so grateful that this is the first time we were able to sit down face-to- face to ask our questions to FEMA representatives .
We also want to urge all our people to learn more about emergency situations and procedures and to be prepared.