每日评论0124 我们都有美国梦

他的父母為了逃避乌干达政府之排外政策从非洲到了美国,以难民身份在此落地生根,以移民身分成為公民最终能成為特任官, 也是美国梦成功之范例。
We All Have An American Dream
Lash Patel, who is the newly nominated FBI Director, said in a speech a few days ago, that his ability to achieve this top job today is the realization of his American Dream.
His parents came to America to escape the Ugandan government’s xenophobic policy. They took root here as refugees. As immigrants, they became citizens and eventually, he became the head of the FBI. It is the perfect example of a success story of
the American Dream.
One of the most important reasons we are the most powerful country in the world is because many immigrants from all over the globe continue to contribute to the prosperity and progress of the society.
We must express very confidently that the United States is the land where we chose to take root and the place where we live. We
are calling on our people to be united and to open the road, not just for ourselves, but also for our next generation.