每日评论 0211 洛城二三事

自从川普上台之后,严厉执行抓非法居留者之行动,据说日前已在华人聚集之大洛城展开 ,虽然当地警方并未合作,但联邦执法人员仍然奋力展开行动,包括华人社区在内人人自危。
Two Or Three Things In L.A.
Today I was walking on Valley Blvd. from Alhambra to San Gabriel where most Chinese live. The vehicle and passersby are obviously much rarer on the busy road compared to the past. It is said that President Trump’s arrest team has been arresting people everywhere, especially in restaurants and construction sites. The wind is roaring a little sad and helpless these days.
Since President Trump took office, the operation of arresting illegal residents has been very severe, including in the LA area.
We regret that so many now need to face going back to their country and can no longer reach their "American Dream."