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新闻 / 今日要闻



It’s Hard For Ethnic Groups To Tear The Country Apart

Republican Governor of Georgia Brian Kemp announced yesterday that the state is under an emergency and ordered 1,000 national guard troops to move into the Atlanta area to police and secure the city.

 Over the past weekend in July, the city of Atlanta had more than 26 shootings which left several in the hospital and an 8-year old girl dead.

 Mayor Bottoms said later at a news conference that we need to accused the people involved in the shootings and make it clear that they are shooting at each other and that it had nothing to do with the police department.

 With the coronavirus still spreading across most of the country, Dr. Antony Fauci warned the nation that if we don’t have an effective way to control the virus, we will be facing even more serious consequences in the near future.

 We feel much regret that the Texas Republican Party of Texas delegates will have 7,000 people come to Houston to host their convention at the George R. Brown Convention Center. Houston  Mayor Sylvester Turner and many civic leaders are against it. This gathering will set a very bad example for the rest of country.

 We are deeply concerned what President Trump recently said in a speech and what he said about gathering in big crowds without wearing masks. We do not understand why in this pandemic the president doesn’t even follow the CDC rules.

 Today we are not only facing the worst economy in recent history, we are also deeply divided as a nation. If we don’t have the right leadership, the society will be torn down, and then where is our future?

    族群撕裂 国家之难


上週末,该市发生了二十六起枪杀案,其中一名年仅八岁的女童也被无辜杀害 ,市长波登事发后的记者会上非常激动地说 :“你们这些枪杀案全是自己互相残杀,和警察亳无关联。”


川普总统身為国家领导人及世界霸主,最近一年来他的推持、演说、群眾大会不断发表种族分裂之言论,也不遵守公卫专家之规定, 如果总统都如此任性,平民老百姓更可以為所欲為了。

今天我们国家所面临的不止是表面上的疫情及经济之衰退,主要还是族群造成之社会问题,如果领导国家的统治阶层被一批歧视族裔的人在主导,我们就无法和谐共处 ,社会撕裂, 国家前途堪虑, 请大家共同深思。