美国新冠疫情日记 07/24

Today I presided over the July board meeting of the International Management District. We also welcomed three new board members including Asian, white and Latino - all of us really representing the diversity in our community.
The Houston city council also passed a resolution to reappoint the full board until July 2023 for another three years. Mayor Turner also really appreciates our service to the District.
Since the cornoavirus has attacked our community and because our district has sixty-one apartment complexes and more than thirty shopping centers, we are one of the real disasters in the city of Houston. Since the beginning of the coronavirus crisis, we have spent almost one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to buy food, computers and masks to help needy families.
In today’s meeting we also discussed sanitizing all the apartment complexes and shopping centers and the setting up of Emergency poles in our district. In the meantime, we also donated a new car to the local police station for their patrols.
I felt kind of sad today because the pandemic is still very serious around the nation. The confirmed number of cases is now over four million and more than 140,000 people have lost their lives. A lot of small businesses are facing the loss of their business. Some of them already have closed their doors.
As chairman of International District along with my board members, we are all trying our best to help the community. We all team up as brothers and sisters to overcome our challenges no matter where we came from. We are in the same family. This is really the AMERICAN Spirit.
今午我主持了休斯敦国际区本年度七月份执行委员会,并欢迎三位新仼委员,其中包括一位巴基斯坦裔,一位白人及一位拉丁裔,在总共十三位委员中 ,我们可以说真正代表了美国多元族裔的委员会。
在今天的会议上并且通过提案将在国际区各大商场及公寓设置紧急呼叫中心,并将帮助区内之商业中心进行全面消毒,共同防御病毒之扩散, 并且為西南区警察分局购置一辆新轿车供便衣警员使用。
今天在我主持之视讯会议上,心情觉得特别沉重,当前国家处於内忧外患,今天最新资料全国确诊者已超过四百万人,死亡也达十五万, 经济不断下滑,国际区内许多微企业也不断关门,在国外,中美两个大国正在走向不㱕路。
今天我做为国际区区长, 过去若干年来 ,我们秉持各族裔都能和谐相处,亲如手足, 从末有任何歧视不公,大家牺牲奉献,这才代表真正的美国精神。