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美南广场 / 董事长介绍



       The 2020 Republican Convention Opens Today


The 2020 Republican National Convention will get underway today with four days of events that will see the party formally renominate President Donald Trump while navigating a mix of virtual and in-person events due to the coronavirus pandemic.

 Trump senior advisor Jason Miller said in an interview that the RNC will rely heavily on Trump’s accomplishments over his first four years and will lay out the vision of the administration for the next term.

 South Carolina Senator Tim Scott and former UN ambassador Nikki Haley and other politicians are scheduled to make speeches tonight.

 Trump will accept the Republican nomination at the White House after scrapping his plan to deliver his speech in Charlotte, North Carolina. 336 RNC delegates will get together and will formally nominate the 2020 Republican presidential and vice presidential nominees.

 The coronavirus pandemic attacked us almost one-half year ago and we still cannot see how we can control the virus. Many people are still losing their lives every day and the students still can’t go back to school safely. Many businesses have closed down and many have lost their lifetime savings.

 We are very happy to see that both political parties are having their conventions right on schedule. The election is coming and as for the people who will vote for the candidates, it will be a turning point for our nation.


提名川普连任总统的共和党大会今天将在北卡罗纳州霞罗市揭幕,由于疫情原因 ,除了少数工作人员外,将以视讯方式进行。

共和党大会之主旨是“向伟大的国民致敬”,其中将有数十位共和党人士连番上阵,三百三十六位党代表将集中在霞罗市唱名正式提名川普及彭斯為共和 党总统暨副总统候选人。

今天在大会上以视讯方式演说者将有南卡罗纳州州长史格,前驻联合国大使海莉及川普长子小川普等,川普总统及第一夫人都将在白宫发表演说, 民主党人指称是假公济私, 但川普仍然坚持已见。

对许多平民百姓而言,共和党之大会及决策事关全国人民之福祉, 不管大会如何造势, 请多少人登台讲些感人之故事, 未必可以解决我们面临之窘境。

半年已经过去,新冠疫情持续扩散,死亡人数还在不断增加, 许多企业己关门大吉 ,学生上课再度引起人传人, 航空及旅馆业更是哀鸿遍野, 一蹶不振,我们看不出对拯救疫情之迫切心情。

今天我们面临四大危机,首先是疫情猖獗如何尽快解决, 种族歧视之巨大冲击,经济凋谢影响社会稳定,尽快重啟学校教育, 国际外交政策之方向。

民主共和两党之竞争白热化是指日可待, 两党侯选人必须对选民做明确交待, 所幸离大选日子已经不远了。