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美南廣場 / 董事長介紹

美國新冠疫情日記 11/03

美國新冠疫情日記 11/03

      Today Is Showdown Time

For almost all of the last two years, the people of America and all around the world have been really concerned about our presidential election. Finally, today is the showdown time.

Our news team along with many scholars and community leaders will get together tonight to discuss the outcome of the election.

In the past one hundred years, because the United States is the strongest world leader, our influence spreads into many fields including the democratic political system and we want many countries to follow our lead.

Tonight the final counting of the ballots will show who will be the winner for president. This election year has been very unusual. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, most of the voters needed to cast their votes early or through the mail.

We as the Asian American community understand that many federal government policies are directly related to our lives, especially in the areas of immigration, education and social welfare. Most people who came to this country were looking for an opportunity and not for a handout.

We are so glad that these political games are over and whoever becomes our next president will unite us as a nation and not divide us.

I really appreciate our news team and the many guests who will join us tonight. Your comments and attendance will be highly appreciated by us as well as by the many in the audience from all around the globe.


近兩年來世界及美國人民不斷高度關注美國總統大選, 今晚總算是大戱收场,到底誰將入主白宮也將揭曉。


過去近百年以來美國在領導世界其影響力無所不在尤其是大力在全球推動民主制度及经濟文化, 今天我們正是要以民主投票方式選出國家領導人也更需要作為世界民主制度之典範。

由于疫情之不斷猖狂今天前已經有半數以上選民投了票由於開票時間需要延長, 可能無法在今晚決定勝負。

我要再次深深感謝今晚出席我們總統大選討論的嘉賓更希望大家能在這塊土地上相互扶持, 共创未來美好的前途。

( 图片来源:路透社)