大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 12/16

我見 我思 我聞
第二粒即將批準的疫苖莫德納可以達到百分之九十的有效率,預計將於週五得到联邦藥物管理局之批準, 這也是輝瑞公司疫苗上市後的雙喜臨門。
莫德納預計不久後在美國提供二千萬支疫苗, 預計明年將在全世界提供十億支。
美國联邦快遞及各大航空公司昨天向全國遞送二千九百萬支疫苗 ,並且已經在各地之醫療機構向醫務人員施打疫苗,雖然今明兩天在美東地區有大雪影響,但不會影響聯邦快遞的行程。
新冠疫苗目前已經被收入高的國家,如美國、歐洲、日本、及澳洲預購,世界其他各地貧窮國家可能要等到二 o二二年才會獲得接種, 一半疫苗被富有國家預訂,而他們只佔世界人口的百分之十四。
所幸目前世界各國還有十三支疫苗接近成功階段, 這將立即改變疫苖在全球的供應量。
今晚總統當選人拜登專程前往亞特蘭大為二位民主黨人助選, 他重申疫情是當前國家最大的危機,他更希望民主黨能取得兩席參議員席位, 將對他未來施政有決定性之影響。
Emergency Rescuing Action
The FDA is expected to grant emergency authorization to Moderna which will lead to another source to give millions of American access to a second coronavirus vaccine beginning early next Monday.
The review by the FDA confirms Moderna’s assessment that its vaccine had an efficacy rate of 94.1 percent in a trial of 30,000 people was correct. The exciting news came at the time of record-setting numbers of new coronavirus cases that are overwhelming hospitals and increasing deaths.
The vaccine rollout is one of the most ambitious undertakings in the nation’s history. But how long will it take for all 330 million Americans to be inoculated? We will have to wait until March or April to find out.
Half of all planned doses of available coronavirus vaccines have been bought up by rich countries including the U.S., Japan and Australia. The rest of the populations will be unable to get vaccinated until 2022.
President-elect Biden today went to Georgia to support the democratic senate candidate. He said, “My heart goes out to all of you who have fallen on hard times through no fault of your own. I have been unable to sleep at night staring at the calling weighed down by the worry of what tomorrow will bring to you and equally important for your family.”
Biden, who will take office on Jan 20th, said the U.S. will get through the pandemic together.